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The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) notifies all Members and Employers that with effect from 8 December 2023, all NHIF payments through mobile money platforms shall only be made through the Government Pay bill Number 222222. This is in line with the Kenya Gazette No.16008 of 2022 and the Presidential Directive designating the use of Pay bill Number 222222 as the Government’s single payment platform.

NHIF Members and Employers are further advised to make NHIF payments as follows: –
Enter Paybill Number 222222 and use the following as Account Numbers:

1. Member contribution (NHIFM-ID NUMBER e.g. NHIFM-11223344)
2. Member Penalty (NHIFP-ID NUMBER e.g. NHIFP-11223344)
3. Employer Contribution (NHIFE-ESlip NUMBER e.g. NHIFE-112233)
4. Employer Penalty (NHIFEP-EMPLOYER CODE e.g. NHIFEP-11223)

NHIF is able to receive notification immediately payment is made. To access NHIF services, please visit or or NHIF Mobile App, available on App Store or Play Store.

Work Instructions on NHIF Payment Via Mpesa Paybill Number 222222.

  1. Go to MPESA Menu.
  2. Select PAYBILL.
  3. Enter Pay-bill Number 222222.
  4. Enter Account number:

4.1. NHIFM-ID Number (For Normal contributions e.g. NHIFM-3456789004)

4.2. NHIFP-ID Number (For Penalty contributions e.g. NHIFP-098765439876)

  • Enter Amount to pay.
  • Enter MPESA PIN.
  • The transaction will be completed and will update your member account.
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